
As Jerry Reed sang for the movie, "We've got a long way to go, and a short time to get there". May God give us courage with humility, wisdom and His blessing in advancing freedom, faith, and family.

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Who would have been the D candidate had Trump won in 2020? Not Biden. Would Trump have made it through a second consecutive term without being impeached again? We are going to be far better off as a country in 2028 with 45/47, despite the 4 years of 46.

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I'm not the first to comment that the four years of Biden were needed to show us how evil the Left is. It's as if the monster under your bed was real, but everyone told you it's a myth. The world needed the Biden years to embrace Trump 2.0 fully

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The Trumpster has exposed quite a bit. He first exposed the MSM as a Dem Pravda. Most weren't aware of how bad it was. Fake news was a great moniker. I think he opened lots of eyes on how bad the cheating is. None of the Dem priorities are American citizens priorities. More ripping the masks off to come.

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:-) You think he’ll make it through this term without being impeached? Remember the definition of insanity, and remember that the Democrats are insane.

(I guess there’s always a chance that they won’t retake the House in two years, but that would be highly surprising.)

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Trump is a Nazi isn't working for them. It's all they've got.

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Go Trump. Wipe out as much Democrat social engineering as you can. Then give J.D. eight years to sweep up the debris

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“It seems that God really does watch over fools, drunkards, and the United States of America. Thank God.”


“But, you know, the Lord also helps those who help themselves. There’ll be plenty of work for all of us in the coming years. Be grateful to be in a position to make a difference, and do it.”

Absolutely wonderful addendum! Thank you again, Professor.

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Pretty much nailed it with this post, Glenn.

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Glenn Reynolds at his very best!!!🥰

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Laissez les bon temps rouler.

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Immediately after Obergefell was released the head of a leading gay rights organization was interviewed by both Frank Bruni at the NY Times and a Washington Post columnist. While I don't remember his name, he stated in both interviews that the Gay Rights movement would not repeat the mistakes of the Abortion Rights movement. Instead, any opposition to gay rights was to be met with ridicule and social ostracism. I noted to myself at the time that this would not end well.

In subsequent years, the resulting intolerance spread to every other leftist cause, from Black Lives Matter to vaccine mandates. Needless to say, people who are continually publicly ridiculed are very motivated to vote and not likely to feel forgiving.

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Classic rules for radicals move. That's been exposed as total BS.

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I'll take that as a compliment. Thanks

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Their overkill was suicidal.

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Personally, I think the Democrats gave us Trump 1.0, too. As I understand it, he was loosely a Democrat himself before 2015 or so. But as a middle-of-the-road, virtually non-political entrepreneur, he probably didn't like the Obama-Hillary "transformation." Trump could have retired on his money and watched the circus go by, but he decided it was wrong and needed to be stopped. Or so I believe.

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It’s also well understood that the Democratic Media Machine did everything they could to hobble Trump’s competition in 2016, on the theory that he would be easier to beat than, say, Ted Cruz.

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Gave him lots of free press.

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I find myself hoping they are bold enough not only to attack DEI, but the system of racial and classification that undergirds it. In practice, America is intermarrying and integrating. Our gross and inconsistent scheme of ethnic classes is a major factor in keeping our heads stuck in the 1960s. It should be dropped from the Census and everywhere else, and its fallacies exposed.

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Gotta have a plan for 2026 election. Primary the RINOs at a minimum but also make inroads in the blue states. Voter ID is a must and vigilance at the polls.

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The great thing about Trump's personnel picks is how they all seem to be on a mission. Yeah, of course there's some "who's who in the zoo" going on, but overall his picks act like they're here to kick ass and take names, not maneuver themselves for their next job. Keep it going!

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Well Said!!!!

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He took four years to prepare. He looked at every angle. He knew who his enemies were. He's cutting throats and grabbing yardage right now and it won't stop.

The Never Trumpers will whine. The Democrats will for sure whine. The key is if the American people interpret this as progress and good for them, or not. Proof will be in the midterms. For sure we know what Senators to primary on the Republican side. Cornyn, Cassidy, Graham, Haggerty....any others that are up in 2026?

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Spot on. During the campaign, and then continuing throughout the period between election and inauguration, it became increasingly clear that Trump and his closest advisors had reflected and planned well during his time out of office. He, and they, also saw the utter corruption and increasing debauchery of the left, as well as their seeming determination to destroy America and Americans. Trump 47 will be far more important and longer lived than a mere continuation of Trump 45 could ever have been, as much due to his destruction of the establishment RINOs, as is his selection and elevation of a new generation of acolytes to carry on after this term is completed..

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Professor Reynolds, this article is the "why" I am one of your subscribers. Some of your very best work - - I appreciate all you are doing.

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