I'm glad to see that I'm not alone in disliking the frenzied doomsaying that seems to be running amok across the spectrum.

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Hence my reference to being *founded* by actual atomic scientists.

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For vacation planning purposes, next Spring will the Doomsday Clock go forward one hour?

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Only if Doomsdaylight Savings Time is implemented.

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The science and tech discoveries in the next twenty years will be amazing and raise standard of living for people all over the world....if we let them

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In 1987 Libyan terrorists, backed by Iran, blew up a disco in Berlin. I was in the Army in Germany at the time. We went on alert across all of Germany and moved into “Go To War” positions. In 1990, Saddam Hussein invaded Kuwait and threatened Saudi Arabia. In 2001, Al Qaeda destroyed the World Trade Center and seriously damaged the Pentagon. But now we are 90 seconds from Armageddon? FUck off Doomsday Clock people

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" This is because of concerns about “multiple global threats, including the Israel-Hamas war, Ukraine-Russia war, the continued climate crisis, AI, state-sponsored disinformation campaigns, disruptive technologies, biothreats, and the intensification of nuclear weapons programs worldwide.”


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Doom and gloom always sells. Well said.

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That beautiful planet that the Genesis Device created at the end of the film was unstable and blew up in the next film (The Search For Spock). Just sayin'....

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It always amazes me how they get so much media coverage when its clear they literally tell everyone they are making it all up

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but they are dignified scientists. How much you want to be that when the clock should strike midnight, it won't be close to it? (For example, if Obama type person is in the White House)

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The Toho movie "Captain Harlock" has a "Genesis Clock" as well, which will reset the world back to the start and (presumably) give us a second chance. I have to say, at this point, I'd push the button.

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