From my perspective there are only two options that result in a Harris victory: (1) enough of the voting populace no longer believes in the foundational principles of this nation and voted to continue a regime that is utterly opposed to those principles; or (2) the Left has so rigged the system through voting fraud and media fraud that no future election will ever be free and fair. Either way, a Kamala victory means the death of the USA.

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They just have to believe Trump is unstable and unpresidential and divisive and vote for the secret behind door number 2. That is why Harris is laying low.

Trump has no ability to govern in a bureaucracy, has no GOTV strategy and makes no effort to appeal beyond his base, which is 40-45 pct. He also seeks to be conserving his personal wealth rather than spending it on the campaign.

I don’t want the Dems to win, but I don’t think Trump can take them.

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Trump is considered a good to very good President, certainly better than the other three of this century!

His foreign policy was excellent, supporting the countries that honor human rights, and opposing with actions the countries that are the worst abusers of human rights: Russia, Iran, Communist China.

When Trump became President Obama had let NATO crumble to the point where it was collapsing, with just four of its members meeting the basic requirement of spending 2% of GDP on defense. Trump rescued NATO, more than doubling the number of countries meeting that requirement in 2020.

Obama released more than $15 billion to Iran, largely for use in its terrorist programs. Trump stopped the flow of money, and negotiated 5 majority-Muslim countries to recognize Israel (the main target of Iran's attacks).


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Good analysis, Glenn.

This morning I went to a brunch attended by about 25 speakers from yesterday’s “Stanford Pandemic Policy Reform Conference” including Dr. Jay Bhattacharya and Dr. Anders Tegnell (the man who led Sweden’s Covid response) among others.

Two comments jumped out at me: (1) by far the largest source of COVID misinformation was the US Federal government; and, (2) the current Federal plan in place for dealing with the next pandemic includes LOCKDOWNS.

These two facts alone should motivate people away from voting for a Harris administration.

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My neighbor, a doctor, is a Democrat married to a teacher, also a Democrat. He sleeps with a Democrat and is voting for Trump. We were alone when he told me. That's why Trump is going to win.

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From your keyboard to G-d's ears.

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I’m a pessimist. I expect colossal cheating. My question is, what do we do if they unequivocally, obviously, steal it?

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Democrats are desperate and by now completely unmoored to the slightest concern for the law or fairness. Therefore, the cheating will be vast, especially since they learned in 2020 both how to do it on a grand scale and that they can get away with it and suffer no consequences. Trump’s victory must surpass the margin of fraud in the seven ‘swing” states, and it will be a substantial margin. If he does win, there will be months of riots to rival the Spring 2020 Portland/Seattle/Minneapolis riots, obviously multiple lawsuits by the Marc Elias mafia, and probably maneuvers by Democrat criminals in Congress to block certification of the election.

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When has Helen ever been wrong? Why would anyone interested in fair elections be against voter id?Why do democrats object to verifying citizenship unless they plan to vote a zillion illegal immigrants? Why have blue states enacted laws allowing illegal immigrants to get drivers licenses and then passing laws that automatically register license applicants to vote? Mail in voting is designed for fraud. That's a huge amount of cheat. The only balance will be the "fuck you" turnout and the hidden until election day male vote. All those guys married to wine moms in the suburbs will vote in person on election day in the privacy of the voting booth and it will be huge.

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It's not just the "fuck you" factor, it's also the "fuck off" factor. People are getting fed up with the elites and at some point they will revolt. That could take the form of direct action or the disregard of civil disobedience.

The "fuck off" factor also characterizes the elites, who look down their nose at everyone who is not them. The disregard and contempt they've shown toward the victims and volunteers of Hurricane Helene is only the latest example of why they are a national disgrace.

I'd like to think that sound reason and logic would change people's minds, and if that worked even once in a while, then I would spend considerable effort at it, but too many people believe whatever they want to believe and no matter how many different ways you prove your position, they refuse to change their minds. That is the problem I'm trying to solve.

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In 2016 I remember reading about the recount in Detroit ( I could be misremembering but I think not). The first ward to be recounted had 110% of the registered voters voting. The same with the second ward. The Judge hearing the recount request suggested that it was evident that fraud was involved in the initial count and a recount was not allowed. BTW no one was punished or investigated. I told my friend that after the 2016 election the Democrats would never allow it to be that close again. I think 2020 proved me correct. Now that we are onto 2024 and so many Americans are watching I wonder if pizza boxed on windows or "broken" water pipes will work again. (The miss sized voter in Arizona worked so well I suspect that will happen again. ) If those are tried again will they convince the public that the election was fair? If not will the public just accept it like they did the last time?

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Your wife may be a pessimist, but she is not a fool.

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I think the cheating by the Dems will be massive, but Trump will still win because of the ‘Fuck You’ factor that Glenn notes.

Bring your friends to the polls. Donate money to candidates if you can.

And most of all, take no crap in your everyday life from Democrats/‘progressives’/socialists. Tell them to take their annoying poses of moral and intellectual superiority and shove them straight up their exit ramps.

And say it with a smile.

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Schrodinger. Classic! That seems especially apropos considering that Kamala Harris has switched positions so many times that her actual values, due to the many wavefunctions that describe them, may only be determined (if you are a Copenhagen fan) in the currently unlikely state where she wins.

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Helen is correct. The Dems have already announced with a megaphone that they will cheat and they will win and there is nothing the Republicans can do about it. Every Dem I know is silently affirming that conclusion. In 2020 they were smugly and silently pleased. Now they just know and don't care

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How in the world did the Democrats plan, finance, recruit hundreds or thousands of mules, election workers, election supervisors, election certifiers, politicians, poll watchers, lawyers, judges, ballot printers, ballot truckers, and others into a giant conspiracy to rig the election, and then train them, supply them, direct them, and pay them, without a single text, email, letter, receipt, bank record, or other document, recording, video, ever surfacing, and without a single leak or person going to the FBI and saying, “Hey, someone wants me to rig the election.”. This has to be a conspiracy like no one’s ever seen!

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By your logic, then, outcome-changing voter fraud could not happen. History shows us that is not true. You are overlooking or ignoring the fact that if a large enough group of people connected in any way with the voting process are all on the same page, i.e. they will do anything to attain power, then no conspiracy is necessary. That is the real threat.

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13 hrs ago·edited 13 hrs ago

Trump/Maga lost in the suburbs in 2018, 2020 and 2022 and Trump has done zero (as usual) to appeal to suburban swing voters. Vance has some appeal, which why he gets no coverage.

Repubs take the Senate, Dems the House and Presidency.

This is probably better for the GOP in the long run than a Trump win. The Senate will block most of Kamala’s craziness and she is obviously incapable of leading the country, so the GOP should rebound with a more mainstream candidate in 2028- whether Vance or DeSantis or Youngkin

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Every time a Democrat is in the White House, I am reminded at how much power is available to a President bent on "change". In any scenario, losing the White House (again!) results in irreparable damage to the country.

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The election will certainly be decided by the margin of fraud. That's why the few states that have tried to purge dead and ineligible voters face such strong opposition by Democrats whose lives will depend on the cheating.

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I can’t explain why Harris seems so complacent and even confident enough to barely campaign or take questions. The only explanation I can think of is that she somehow knows or has been promised that the outcome will be in her favor. She certainly was not in charge of the coup and appears to be the organizers chosen puppet. My sincere belief is that she will be made president for those behind the scenes to control and direct, and this will be done through whatever means necessary. They will never allow Trump or anyone from outside the star chamber to be president; ever.

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I have a lot of 70s something men in my country club, many of them Jewish. They are voting Kamala. The 1960s/70s haven't left their souls yet. The men in their 60s and lower, voting Trump. It's an interesting divide.

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