My wife, a suburban mom of 3, has been very unenthusiastic about this election. She detests Kamala Harris, thinks Tim Walz is a stolen valor serial liar AND does not like Trump because he is loud, obnoxious and a womanizer ..... these are her opinions on the topic, so please no one argue with me LOL

Anyhow, long story short .... since RFK dropped out and publicly endorse Trump she has been talking quite enthusiastically about the election and what RFK means to a possible Trump presidency. She also said today that it seems that Trump has finally gotten smart and found smart advisors.

For what the observation of one suburban mom may or may not mean to all of this.

Side note: She is also health conscious, hates the ultra processed foods at the store, and thinks that doctors over medicate us on a regular basis.

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"thinks that doctors over medicate us on a regular basis" observant and smart lady.

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lucky for me ;-)

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If Trump focuses more on RFK's critique of democracy dying in Democrat darkness and the food/nutrition issue and leaves the anti vax issue alone then I think he's got a winning message.

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This is going to be a tough line to walk. Trump is justly proud of Operation Warp Speed. I have a huge distrust for CDC and a huge disdain for FDA, but if Trump with RFK starts sounding like a wacko it’s going to be hard not to just stay home.

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I actually think this is rather easy, if President Trump stays on message (I know, I know). The facts are easy: President Trump got the bureaucratic read tape out of the way to speed development of the vaccine, which was approved for use just after the 2020 election. All of the mandates "forcing" people to take the vaccine were promulgated under President Biden, starting in the summer of 2021. I don't think most anti-vaxxers hate the vaccine per se...I think they hate that they were compelled (for some value of compulsion) to take it, and that is 100% not due to President Trump.

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You TRULY need to seek some knowledge that is not $$ driven. Dr. John Campbell is a good start. He is on youtube. He tells the truth and his journey to the truth is something. mRNA shots are poison. You need to get some real information not propaganda.

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Just because I've come to a different conclusion than you does not mean that I'm suffering from "misinformation"; I simply have different risks and different tolerances for those various risks than you. I respect your freedom to make those decisions for yourself. Please respect mine.

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Your conclusion is profit driven and I do not care.

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Oh no, I HATE the jab for it's own sake. It was and never was a vaccine. It was gene changing experimental money maker. People will be living with the consequences (if they live) of it forever.

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Well, I'm glad I said "most" and not "all" :-) But with due respect, I sure hope yours is not the majority opinion. It is one thing to want to make your own risk decision about whether to take a protective treatment, and I will defend to the death this right for you. It is another to wish no one has access to said treatment. Even with better understanding of the risks now, my choice to get the jab for the original virus was the correct one, because I have enough risk factors to have had a significant likelihood of death if I contracted it. It is only with the variants where my risk calculus changed.

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That sounds perfect. Let’s hope!

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Aug 26·edited Aug 26

What RFK is interested in is way, way beyond vaccines. They are going to talk about ultra processed foods and the huge conflict of interests their money is creating and how Big Food money has corrupted everything from the USDA dietary guidelines to nutrition research to medical schools.

It's going to be about how the system incentives making people sick then treating them with drugs to keep the alive but not cured. Big Pharma will be targeted less so for vaccines--although the profitability of getting a drug on the vaccine schedule is the holy grail of profit and is worth a mention--but for their unholy alliances such as how they are the largest spenders on media advertising and don't hesitate to use that fact to control media messaging or the largest spenders on lobbying.

Tucker Carlson interviewed Casey and Calley Means a couple weeks ago. They have been advising both the Trump and RFK campaigns on the chronic health crisis. If you want to know what the policy might look like go have a listen. It's long but the policy part is the last 30 minutes or so.

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Yep. Read their book. RFK and the Means are simply popularizing other research thats been out there for a while. See Why We Get Fat by Taube. The Blogfather is on to something, recognizing the trends with Health Security Soccer Moms who will vote for Trump and RFKjr.

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I sent a link to that interview to my family, with a comment that I didn't care for much of RFK's ideas, but strongly endorsed this part. If any of y'all haven't seen it, it's here:


(Yeah, a bit long, but worth it.)

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So ignore the topic of health and vaccines, and vote for liberty and the Constitution, which are the REAL issues of the 2024 election. Freedom, or tyranny? It's that simple.

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"Embrace the healing power of AND"...😁

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No Freedom & Health

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While I’m all for victory, the fact that one-issue lunatic Karens might be the kingmakers of America is terrifying.

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Ever since the Covid debacle of forced immunization, I’ve lost complete trust in the government concerning vaccinations. I haven’t even taken a flu shot for three years. I had Pfizer 1 & 2 and have never had Covid. Almost everyone I know that fought Covid had multiple Covid vacs & boosters. 🤷‍♂️

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Aug 26Liked by Glenn Harlan Reynolds

My experience of acquaintances as well; the more boosters, the more symptoms.

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Also more medical issues. My friend now has a heart condition that his cardiologist told him (there are some good ones left) to NOT take any more shots of mRNA.

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I haven't had a flu shot since the early 1970s. I was in the US Navy, and the order came down, that everyone MUST have a flu shot. In my squadron way back then, paychecks were issued each payday, in person, and on payday, all the sailors would line up in the hangar to get paid.

Our flight surgeon thought that this would be an excellent opportunity; he and a hospital corpsman were in the line just before the disbursing clerk who handed out checks. If you didn't get the shot, you couldn't get your check.

So I got my flu shot and paycheck, and the next day I went to visit the disbursing office. There was a brand-new concept called "direct deposit"; sign up, and your paycheck would automatically be deposited in your bank account. I signed up for direct deposit, and never stood in the pay line again - and the next year when the flight surgeon tried the same trick again, I didn't have to get a flu shot - because my pay was already in the bank! And I've never gotten a flu shot since.

Flu shots were formulated for the influenza strain(s) that were most prevalent in the previous year. They were generally ineffective for NEW flu strains, so at best it's a hit-or-miss proposition. I guess I've been lucky; I've never gotten a bad case of flu, and most years, I didn't get sick at all.

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Don't know about then, but nowadays, the guess is typically made in the summer based on what strains are then raging in the Southern Hemisphere during their winter. The last one I got was for 4 strains. I didn't get the flu, but I live in a warmish climate and have a pretty decent immune system, so who knows.

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This is astoundingly well-considered. Salute.

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I wish this was true, but I am not buying. I do not think his endorsement of Trump matters one way or the other - his supporters will revert to their prior party affiliations. I will. It is still an election of Trump vs. Not Trump and unfortunately as vapid and unaccomplished (and downright dumb) as she is, Kamala is a more appealing version of Not Trump than Biden was. RFK's endorsement is not moving those voters.

Too many people buy the proposition that RFK is an anti-vax loon (their term, not mine) which has been pushed by the "Vaccines are the Best Thing Ever to Happen" Community. Heck, Nate Silver was saying that vaxxes are more important to modernity than cars. Many of your Insta readers subscribe to that portrayal of RFK as well as the DNC hacks on X who used that to discredit him. His endorsement matters little despite what you and Clay Travis say.

Unrelated. I have long respected your intellect and judgment. I have followed your supplement regimen with great results. Color me disappointed that you have not outright disavowed worthless and harmful Covid shots while also not realizing that flu shots are equally worthless although not harmful. Trust yourself, not Pharma or the government.

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In a sane world, this wouldn't even be a contest -- a flawed and cantankerous politician with a good track record in office running against an airheaded nincompoop who failed upwards in every job, with a China worshiper as her running mate, who both push neo-Marxist poo.

But we do not live in a sane world.

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Happy Birthday. Your hard work is paying off!

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Ultra Processed Foods — one of the likely bad guys in the story of Americans are too fat.

Trump, and Reps, should refer to RFK’s crusade against chronic disease and UPFs, and support healthier lifestyles and less trust for experts who have been lying, especially Dem Deep State bureaucrats proclaiming about health.

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Comment by Mrs. Arbel: Monica Lewinsky must be hitting herself she didn't pick Willie Brown over Bill Clinton to "service"...

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Let's hope your observation of winning over the health conscious cohort of Kennedy's following is true. I think that as long as Trump and Kennedy stay between the white lines on message they can certainly manage it.

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