No one who holds classical liberal or conservative views is surprised by the reaction and behavior of Vance's "friend." Most of us have experienced this sort of rejection from friends on the left. I've encountered it at least a dozen times over the past 10-15 years from close friends to neighbors.

I take solace in Thomas Sowell's explanation of A Conflict of Visions. Those of us who hold the constrained view of man are much more patient with those who hold the unconstrained view than they are with us. We view them as uninformed and misguided; they view us as malevolent.

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Yep. Boils down to the old wheeze: Republicans think Democrats are stupid. Democrats think Republicans are evil.

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Anyone who has has surgery knows that removing male genitals and creating female genitalia, or vice vesa, are not reversible in any way using the latest surgical procedures. To believe that takes you into the realm of science fiction. This appears to be what people have been conditioned to believe. I am shocked by this level of ignorace.

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I think the conversation revolved around puberty blockers which are “advertised” as reversible but are not.

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Puberty blockers are part of a spectrum of medical procedures that are euphemistically referred to as gender reassignment. I have not seen any data that indicates that medical gender reassignment ends with puberty blockers. I get a definite impression that simply stopping puberty is really not the object. This is especially true of the medical profession. The money is spent on the surgery and the follow-up treatment.

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Given that ignorance is deliberately cultivated in American culture today, I am never surprised by examples of it showing up. Instill ignorance, get ignoramuses.

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Thanks for performing this service for your readers; I'd never have seen these responses otherwise.

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Exactly my thoughts when I read them; hence this piece.

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I expect the “cat lady” theme to retake center stage. I suppose if one is on the “right” they have to be very careful about using terms that others find objectionable. Cat ladies aside I think that when you have and raise children your outlook for the future of society is different than when you don’t have children. Raising the next generation and living to see the one after gives you a perspective that single people just cannot have. I always wondered if Angela Merkel would have governed differently if she had granddaughters.

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The UK has solidly rejected puberty blockers and surgery for minors for "gender dysphoria" based on the report of a respected medical scientist; that finding has been upheld and made permanent by the new Socialist(!!) government, and that has been upheld by the UK version of the Supreme Court. UK followed the lead of Sweden(!) and Finland. Analysis of trends in requests for treatment of gender euphoria by country shows a very dramatic increase in Sweden, Spain, and the UK after about 2010; with females overwhelmingly in the majority--in stark contrast to previous years in which males predominated. One cannot escape the conclusion that the phenomenon is a social contagion spawned by social media. As a physician with years of experience in analysis of medical interventions for their effectiveness (i.e. evidence-based medicine) I am appalled that institutional medicine in this country has succumbed to what Elon Musk rightly describes as the "woke mind virus".

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It's partially social contagion between girls, and it's also partially indoctrination from the schools.

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A child can't get a tattoo or a piercing without parental permission, but they can go on puberty blockers. A school can't give permission for a piercing or a tattoo, but they can for gender reassignment.

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Of course this article/ hit job was published in service of this week’s “Vance is weird” hive mind theme. His “weirdness,” natch, consists of having normal, mainstream views about things like butchering children because some fetish cult has indoctrinated the feeble, conformist minds of the leftist herd.

It helps to remember that literally everything the Left says or claims now is the exact opposite of the truth. “Care” means butchery and sterilization. “Weird” means mainstream normal. “Common sense” means nonsensical and illogical. “Secure border,” “mostly peaceful,” “misinformation,” “anti-racist,” “diversity,” to mention a few, all mean the exact opposite of the Left’s claimed meanings.

That is the tool the Times uses to discredit Vance and misrepresent its own views, because that is the chief tool the Left uses to discredit any dissent. Because they can’t defend their policies by being honest about what they are.

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I expect this sort of "journalism" from the Nation's Foremost College Newspaper.

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In days of yore it was a given that no gentleman should ever read another gentleman's mail. But since the NYT is now and for sometime peopled by frantic little Junior High girls and feminized males who are chosen for their affinity to the cause what else can one expect? Happily a small portion of its readership is not totally converted to the reigning ethos.

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I guess the idea is that people who have ever said anything in a private email that they wouldn't want made public ought to be deterred from running for public office.

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That's already the case. Almost every email provider reads your emails (even if it's a bot). If they can be read, they can be published.

"Live your life such that you're never ashamed of anything published about you - even if it's not true" - Richard Bach, Illusions (paraphrased from memory).

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Good to see some Dem readers not happy with NYT.

Glenn might have also mentioned 1.2 million bucks to FBI rat Strzak (?) that DoJ is giving him due to publishing his adultery texts from his official phone.

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How low can the press go? Are there any market makers or bookies willing to structure a bet? Reading history of Thomas Jefferson and Sam Adams yellow journalism of the time seems tame.

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Nice post but enough of the idea that being out over your skis is a bad position. NOT being over your skis is a bad position, a really bad position.

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