it is the perfect metaphor......for evidence, look at RINOs. Look at the CEO of Allstate and his statement yesterday (already put in the memory hole). One thing that Musk did by purchasing X was to give Richard Nixon's "Silent Majority" a voice. Not only that, but because of the way it works, and other people besides Musk feeling emboldened to come out of the closet and advocate, the Silent Majority can take action. For more evidence, read AVC.xyz's blogpost about 2024 that illustrates the fear he and likeminded left-wingers feel now that The Silent Majority can act.

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I have often said that since there are no perfect people, the Lord chooses people perfect for the job to do His will.

Elon is such as man, as is PDJT. Elon's personal life might be a train wreck, but he is perfectly positioned to accomplish what would be impossible for anyone else: Save the West from its suicide.

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The 21st century has been rather disappointing, especially so since the century started with the Conservative, Pro-Market agenda victorious. In 2000, the trendline of Debt to GDP was in its 5th year of decline and bottomed at 54% (it is now 120%).

In 2001 the GOP held the Presidency, the Senate and the House. It then proceeded to increase debt and government benefits and, following the 9/11 attacks, it launched two wars. Controversy over the wars and political fatigue resulted in Republicans losing their Congressional majorities in 2007 and in 2008 the Great Financial Crisis began. President Bush "Destroyed Capitalism to Save it" and the Democrats swept to massive majorities in Congress and Barack Obama won the Presidency.

And with and since the Obama presidency the country has been changed. Health care has been nationalized. College financing has been nationalized. The media has been essentially nationalized. And the Federal government and its corporate allies operate with immunity - the law is whatever they say it is.

Along the way there have been revolts. In 2010 the "Tea Party" gave Republicans the majority in the House. But establishment Republicans backstabbed the Tea Party and that movement fizzled. In 2016, Americans revolted again and Trump won his first term. Immediately, he was attacked by his own government - sedition, right?

Then in 2020 Trump's first term was completely sabotaged by a globally orchestrated pandemic that was so fearful that the world was shutdown except for Nancy Pelosi who got her haircut and Gavin Newsome who dined with friends at the French Laundry and the British government staff who regularly partied at government offices on Downing Street. What was this global pandemic really about?

It was about lies. And these lies yielded the fraud of a senile, demented Joe Biden winning the 2020 election. The Biden administration, as with the Obama administration, set out to punish political opposition, nationalize industry to its agenda and to operate above the law.

So in 2024, Americans again screamed "No More!"

Will it matter this time? It is good that this time Trump starts with better friends in better places. It is good that many Americans are more aware of the lies and crimes of Trump's enemies. But Trump's enemies and the enemies of the people seem to be like the Terminator. They cannot be reasoned with, they do not feel pity, or remorse or fear, and they will not stop until they are are back in power no matter the lies or crimes it takes to win.

So yea, Happy New Year!

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Well stated. And yes the tug has to come and it appears to be at hand but I pray we can preserve our (small l) liberal Republic while reversing what has been done. Throwing out the baby with the bathwater is pretty common in history, especially recent history.

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"consequences should be severe enough that future generations of rulers will be afraid to treat the ruled similarly"

This is, by far, the most important task of the next four years.

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Yes!! This is a very important point. The consequences to the MSM and the Democrats must be very painful or they will begin anew.

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Angelo Codevilla laid it out back in 2010, with his article in The American Spectator on the Ruling Class https://spectator.org/americas-ruling-class/ and a more detailed book. Back then, Codevilla called the Republicans "junior partners" to the Democrats in the Ruling Class. This has been building for over 15 years, and it is not over; the needed changes are just beginning.

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The phrase "Never Give Up, Never Surrender" applies to the left anti-humanist totalitarians. The left has never given up, and although they show some encouraging signs of dissolution and decay, they have not, cannot, give up now. If anything, we should expect increasing numbers of ever more violent and unhinged tactics and attacks in their attempts to regain power, and we should be prepared for a long and bitter struggle ahead.

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Leftists don't have many children at all, and now that their method of gaining new cult adherents, schools, has been exposed, parents are fleeing Marxist indoctrination (public k-12, and many colleges).

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I truly hope that is the case: re: schools, but it will take a generation (or two or three) to overcome societal inertia regarding public schools and our university/college establishments (both of which I believe are irredeemable at this point). In the case of both public schools and universities, their administrators and instructors are our best allies in showing how decadent and irrelevant they are today..

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I remain very optimistic since November 5th. Events like the terrorist attacks I now see as evidence of desperation by a losing foe. The rape gangs becoming mainstream news is welcome disinfectant of a too long festering sore. It feels like a corner has been turned. The Overton Window has shifted, and we can advocate deportation of illegals or halting of gender reassignments of minors without fear of being banned or cancelled.

We’re winning.

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Today, I re-upped for another year as a PAID SUBSCRIBER Glenn’s Substack. Just a small token for all the enjoyment that 23 years of reading Instapundit has given me.

Perceptive article, by the way!

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Yes, this is what the elites feared in Trump. He has no allegiance to the Machine.

And incidentally, what have we gained at all from this 40-year importation of any and all people antithetical to our own culture? It wasn't worth one innocent life taken and the many more than that have died for it.

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I keep a list of thoughts I've had over the years in a Word document and I remembered two of them written in 2019 after reading this article:

"More good people are killed by bad people than bad people are killed by good people."


"It is better to overestimate evil than to underestimate evil."

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Drawing and quartering gets my vote. This institutional Evil and Corruption needs an appropriate response.

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J.K. Rowling deserves thanks for being, possibly, the second most important person in the West (after Musk) for unleashing this preference cascade. But the forces of darkness still have tools at their disposal, especially in Europe. They're cancelling elections throughout Europe "to save democracy" from a public that seems now not to want to do what it's told. And when they don't cancel elections outright, they block winners from forming governments. I think the caterpillar may too far eaten to be saved in Europe. Luckily, we're not Europe and we seem to have a reflexive revulsion to being Europeanized.

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The right is flush with a victory that is different from past victories. Past victories were led by people who were part of the government and marinated in its norms. Donald Trump is different because he’s an anti-politician. Past Republican victories were achieved by establishment figures like Nixon, Bush, Sr., and even Reagan, who were satisfied with the status quo. If they were lost, they would be lost by people who rose through the political ranks like Romney, McCain, Dole, and Bush. It was their turn.

Trump is different because he became rich outside the political establishment and ran for the highest office his first time out. He ran, not because it was his turn but because he believed he was needed. He was ousted in 2020, but he didn’t give up. His victory in 2024 was different because he realized that the people who opposed him didn’t just want him to lose, but they wanted him imprisoned or dead. That gives a leader a different mindset. Just as the Founders knew, they would be hanged if they lost. That spurs the desire to win against all odds.

The Grim Reaper will remove a considerable part of the political establishment in both parties. Pelosi, McConnell, Schumer, Clinton, Sanders, and so many others will be removed by Father Time if not by the electorate. In the short term, Trump realizes that his life and personal freedom are at stake and has every incentive to ensure his political revolution succeeds. The younger leaders of both parties will grow up in an environment as fiercely partisan as it is today. One side or the other will win decisively because, this time, there are no viable centrists left.

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The term "grooming" refers to the fact that most of these rapes were not 'taken from the street and assaulted' crimes, but ones where the victims were befriended by the perps, either directly by one of the younger ones, or by a younger female who gained the victim's confidence, listening to complaints about home, getting info on the family, and often getting that kid to engage in dangerous or illegal actions before the rapes took place.

That way, should the victim complain, they had something to threaten her with, should she take this to the police. They also worked in the grooming process to alienate her from family or non-Paki friends. She was isolated before they struck.

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Thanks. The whole "mass rape" phenomenon is difficult to conceptualize for many of us outside the British working-class world where it has happened.

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Who had on their 2025 (OK, late 2024) Bingo card Taylor Lorenz interviewing the CEO of Enron? https://x.com/Enron/status/1871276328907104335

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"The devil sends the beast with wrath, because he knows his time is short."

I think it's going to get much, much worse before Trump takes office (and continue after).

Anyone else counting 1,260 days from October 7th, 2023?

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