i'm Catholic to the bone. but i think i might get a menorah and put it up in the window tomorrow.

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I bought one of The Mossad's (The Twitter guys) t shirts, with trained sharks and missiles for a fundraiser for IDF volunteer extra supplies and meals. Oh, yeah, a menorah would be next, and I'm RC as well.

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Never thought about, but me too

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That is an outstanding idea. I ordered mine and will put it up when it gets here

Update: I ordered one and we put it up in the front window. I had some misgivings once it arrived since this neighborhood is full of Afghan refugee families of dubious vetting. Thanks, Brandon! But I decided that I do not have a spirit of fear, so it is up and lighted.

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Per Dennis Prager's suggestion, this very, very Catholic lady now has a mezuzah by my front door. We Catholics know that when Jews are in danger, Catholics are in line right behind them, followed by everyone else not toeing the Hamas line of killing everyone in sight. Good for Gold's! "We must, indeed, all hang together or, most assuredly, we shall hang separately."

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It's a brave new world. I'm starting to get a gen-you-wine feel for why living forever might not be all It's cracked up to be.

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Though, living forever allows you to perpetually spread the truth, plus, you get to bury all of your opponents.

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Glenn, our local QFC store (a Kroger brand in the Seattle area) has a huge menorah out front, correctly lit according to the days. It was a collaboration with a local Jewish org but I was so glad to see it.

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Bravo to Gold's! We need much more.

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Helluva thing. We live in interesting times. Feel somewhat insulated from it being up here in Fairbanks, Alaska, but it still steals its way in.

Keep on lovin' America. We'll make it.

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I am a bit shocked at what is going on.....but I warned my left wing Jewish friends about it years and years ago. I told them Obama wasn't on their side. I was dismissed.

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My small town of Woodside, California (less than 5,000 people) has a big Menorah (15’ x 10’) with bright blue lights just off the town’s main intersection!

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My local Crunch Gym had a menorah out last night, which I thought was very nice. I'm heading over again shortly. Maybe this time I'll take a picture.

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well, I’ve seen more folks putting up Hannukah posts on facebook than ever. My family is mixed, ethnically and religiously, and so we have always put up both Christmas and Hannukah, Passover and Easter. And always felt lonely. Not this year.

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You make a wonderful point. Think how many churches fly Israeli flags. I can see no reason why the menorah would not be perfectly fine to have in a Christian sanctuary. After all, it’s a witness to the Light.

One quibble I’ll throw out just for fun is that the picture shows a Hanukkiah, not a Menorah. The former has 9 places, 8 of which reflect the miracle of the oil lasting eight days with the 9th being used to light the others. The Menorah has 7 places and was for use in the Temple. The menorah reflects the days of creation. At least I think that’s right. I’m sure there are many readers here who know for sure.

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Thanks for sharing this. America needs to know where the majority (no longer silent) really stands.

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Small signs are what is in short supply and display the courage upon which our nation was founded. Thanks for spreading the news. Be sure to let the folks at the gym know how far their small sign has been seen.

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Cranky pants here - I want to be able to wear a red ball cap, MAGA. We all have some work to do. To exist is to resist.

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You can only really tell who your friends are when it becomes dangerous to be your friend.

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Brave, yes. The misunderstanding that the First Amendment is about freedom from religion has created monsters

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